Last updated: 9 November 2008
Posted on: 9 August 2002


U-2 Event
A-12, YF-12, SR-71 Event


SR blackSR-71 Symposium 
An SR-71 Symposium will be held the The Pima Air & Space Museum. Pima will host SR-71 pilots and ground crew to present the secret history of the world's highest and fastest airplane. Panel presentations, discussions, and autograph sessions, on February 21 - 22, 2009. For more info check out the Pima web site:


SR blackU-2 and SR blackBlackbird Reunion 
The next Blackbird Reunion will be held in Reno, Nevada at the Nugget Hotel on June 11-14, 2009. The reunion is for Blackbird Association members only. Contact Rich Graham if you have any questions.


Earlier Events

SR blackU-2 and SR blackBlackbird Reunion 
The next Blackbird Reunion will be held in Reno, Nevada at the Nugget Hotel on June 21-24, 2007. The reunion is for Blackbird Association members only. Contact Rich Graham if you have any questions.


SR blackMuseum of Flight SR-71 Forum
SR-71 Forum from September 14-16, 2007 at the Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington. A mix of SR-71 Pilots, RSOs and Maintainers discuss and answer questions about the SR-71.


Blackbird Reunion 
The next Blackbird Reunion will be held in Reno, Nevada at the Nugget Hotel on June 2-5, 2005. The reunion is for Blackbird Association members only. Contact Rich Graham if you have any questions.



On Saturday, May 15th, the Flight Test Historical Foundation will host the 2004 Blackbird Laurels Induction Banquet at the Park Plaza—Lancaster/Palmdale Convention Center in Lancaster, CA. Retired Maj Gen Douglas Nelson, commander of the 9th SRW—the first operational Blackbird wing—will be the featured speaker for the gala event, wherein Blackbird crew members, maintainers, and support personnel will be inducted into the “Blackbird Laurels Society.” The 40th anniversary of the SR-71 will also be observed during the evening.
The $75 per person banquet is a fund raiser for the Blackbird Airpark and will include a full dinner, silent auction, and complimentary commemorative items, in addition to the anniversary and induction ceremonies. Corporate tables are available at $1000 for a table of 10. Retired USAF Col Kenneth Collins, a 2002 inductee, will once again serve as emcee.
Over 300 invited guests attended the foundation’s inaugural banquet in April 2002. During that event, 21 inductees—including Blackbird pilots, designers, engineers, corporations, and maintainers—were presented with Blackbird Laurels medallions. This year 12 new members will be inducted.
The Flight Test Historical Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 1983 to develop and support the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) Museum at Edwards AFB and its Blackbird Airpark Annex at USAF Plant 42. Funds totaling over $1.2 million have been provided by the foundation for construction of the AFFTC Museum and Blackbird Airpark and the foundation continues to support operation and restoration activities at both facilities.
For further information on the Blackbird Laurels Banquet, or to request an invitation, contact the Flight Test Historical Foundation at (877) FLT-TEST or send an email to

On Saturday, May 15th, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, the 40th anniversary of the first flight of the SR-71A will be celebrated at the Blackbird Airpark, USAF Plant 42, in Palmdale, CA. Bob Gilliland, the Lockheed test pilot at the controls during the first flight, will be in attendance during the exciting event to greet the public and sign autographs. Joining Gilliland will be Jim Eastham, pilot of the F-104 chase aircraft on that historic flight. Eastham is better known as the man who completed the maiden flight of the Lockheed YF-12—an SR-71 predecessor. Concurrent with the anniversary event, the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) Museum and its support organization, the Flight Test Historical Foundation, will dedicate a new airpark visitor center.
Retired Air Force Colonel Richard Graham, former commander of the 9th Strategic Reconnaisance Wing, and author of “SR-71 Revealed” and “SR-71 Blackbird—Stories, Tales, and Legends,” is scheduled to be on hand to sign copies of his books. Additional Blackbird exhibits will support the A-12, D-21, SR-71, and U-2D permanently on display and anniversary souvenirs will be available in the airpark gift shop.
Althought the SR-71 first flight was actually made on 22 December 1964, the anniversary celebration is being held in May to coincide with the 2004 Blackbird Laurels Banquet and because December weather can be unpredictable—making an outdoor celebration at the Blackbird Airpark questionable.
The Blackbird Airpark is an annex of the AFFTC Museum at Edwards AFB and is located at the corner of Avenue P and 25th Street East in Palmdale, California. Normal hours of operation are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Admission is free. The airpark is staffed entirely by museum volunteers and profits from this event will benefit continued development of the facility.
For information on this event contact the AFFTC Museum at (661) 277-8050 or email the museum director



Sept 13-14, 2002 Habu Forum at Air Force Museum, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH

Friday(13th) and Saturday(14th) will be panel discussions at 0900, 1100, 1300, and 1500 in the main auditorium at the Air Force Museum. Each forum will have 8 different Habus, they will give a short bio, and answer questions from the audience. There will be at least 28 Habus in attendence. This is a first in this area of the US, this is a no miss event!

Events you'd like added to the events page, email John

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