Last updated: 6 October 2007
Posted on: 19 March 2004

Miscellaneous U-2 Patches

"Smokey Joe", U-2 program where the U-2
was flown during mssile launches to do
spectrum analysis of the missile plumes
to see what kind of engine the missile had
AHRS U-2 AFCS- I've been told that this
was to do with a radio and ranging equipment
carried on the U-2. Then, Rick Gray contacted
me and it has to do with the autopilot system,
Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS)
& the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
T-38 ACE(Air Crew Enhancement) patches
Phase 3 Inertial Navigation System(INS)
Litton Industries
"U-2 DragonLady PEIP,
F118 GE 101 Turbofan",
Engine Upgrade program
Extended Tether Program
Airborne Data Link Program Demo
Robbins AFB, GA U-2 Logistics Site
Gold Pan -Near real-time imagery from U-2 program
Precision Location Strike System(PLSS), This was to be used in the European
Theater using 3 TR-1s each flying a racetrack pattern over a battlefield providing
real-time information to commanders on the ground

These are from the U-2 Program Office(formerly Det 8) Robbins AFB, GA
-MSgt Ann M. Kane

Aerial Reconnaissance Programs
Other Miscellaneous U-2 Patches
Lockheed Gift Shop Patch
If you live(or are traveling)
near a Lockheed Facility you
can buy these and other
patches, and videos, and other
cool Lockheed stuff!

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Questions? email John