Updated on: 27 November 2004
Posted on: 26 June 2001

SR-71 Detachments

While the SR-71 has world-wide flight capability, it's more advantageous to have a
base of operations near the site or sites, called Detachments or Dets, also called
an "OL" (Operating Locations) you interested in keeping an eye on.

Hence the Dets......

OL-08 (repro), became OL-RK(original) in Oct. 30, 1970,
then on Oct. 26, 1971 became OL-KA(repro),

Then on Aug. 9, 1974 OL-KA was redesignated Det 1, 9 SRW(first patch)
the next 3 are variations on the Det 1 insignia, all local made in Okinawa
Subdued Det 1, 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing shield
When Det 1 closed at the end of the SR-71 program,
someone did up this patch to commemerate the event!
After the SR-71 being on TDY in the UK numerous times, Det 4 was established at RAF Mildenhall
The first 2 patches are the insignia for Det 4,
The 3rd is a cap patch, and the 4th is a variation.
(Sunburst insignia coutesy Ron Girouard Collection)

Left- Det 6, 2762nd Log Sq(SP), (AFLC), was the Logistics Support for the SR-71,
Det 6 was located at Norton AFB, CA(Courtesy C. Langston Collection)

Right- Det 6 WSLO(Weapons System Logistics Office) (Insignia courtesy of Tom Pugh)

The last Detachment for the SR-71 was at Edwards AFB, CA Det 2, opened in
April 1, 1995 sadly Det 2 never totally saw it's full potential as the program was
closed in June 1997

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