Last updated: 23 March 2004
Posted on: 6 May 2001

The U-2 in Desert Shield, Desert Storm

The U-2 was one of the first aircraft deployed to the Persian Gulf, first to King Fahad Royal Saudi Air Base, Taif, Saudia Arabia, then moved after "Storm" to Prince Sultan AB, Saudia Arabia. Here are some of the insignia that came out of this time frame.

First designated as OL-CH, then on 21 September 1990 as 1704 Provisional Reconnaissance Squadron(PRS), then the 4402 RS(P), now called the 363 Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron (ERS).

1704 Provisional Reconnaissance Squadron(PRS)
4402 RS(P)
363 Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron(ERS)
An excellent source on the U-2 during this time period is
Dr. Coy Cross' (9 RW Historian) "The Dragon Lady Meets
the Challenge: The U-2 in Desert Storm
", this is available from the:

6000 C Street
Beale AFB, CA 95903-1616

See also U-2 Dets

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