Last updated: 6 November 2002 Posted on: 22 June 2002
Capt. Ed Payne,
Maj. Jerry OMalley
Left- Capt. Ed Payne- RSO
Right- Maj. Jerry OMalley- Pilot
Crew History
10 Mar 1968 2nd SR-71A #976 deployed to Kadena AB, Okinawa(OL-8),
USAF Pilot/RSO: Jerry O'Malley/ Edward Payne
21 Mar 1968 First SAC/9 SRW SR-71(SR-71A #976) operational mission
flown from Kadena AB over Vietnam, USAF Pilot/RSO: Jerry O'Malley/
Edward Payne (Crew E- 10)
31 May 1972Col. J. F. O'Malley becomes 9 SRW Commander
thru 9 May 1973
20 Apr 1985Gen Jerry O'Malley & wife Diane and crew
of T-39 were killed when landing in Western Pennsylvania
18 Sep 1985 USAF Awards Jerome F. O'Malley Award
for Best Recon Crew to USAF Pilot/RSO: Bob Behler/ Ron Tabor