Last updated on: 19 November 2006
Blackbird Timeline of Events, 1990's & 00's
Information for this timeline was researched from these sources:
ADR -A. D. Rossetti
AH -Art Hanley
AM1 -"Aerofax Minigraph #1" Jay Miller
AFNS -USAF News Service
AS1 -Anonymous Source #1
AWST -Aviation Week & Space Technology
BB -Buddy Brown
BIA -"SR-71 Blackbird in Action" Lou Drendel
BM -Bob Miller
BG -Bert Garrison
CC -Dr. Coy Cross
DA -David Allison
EY -Ed Yeilding
HF -High flyer(new name for Beale AFB newspaper)
LB -"Lockheed Blackbirds" Anthony M. Thornborough & Peter E.
LS -Lockheed Skunk Works Star
LSB -"Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird" Paul F. Crickmore
LSW -"Lockheed's Skunk Works-The First 50 Years" Jay Miller
LTR -Lockheed Tech Rep
NASA -National Air and Space Administration Public Affiars
PH -Pat Halloran
PM -Peter Merlin
RG -Richard H. Graham
RK -Ron Kloetzli
RLL -Lt. Col. Russell L. Lewis
RON -Ron Girouard
RS- Ray Scalise
SD -"Sled Driver" Brian Shul
SME -"Lockheed SR-71: The Secret Missions Exposed" Paul F. Crickmore
SS -Space Sentinel(Beale AFB news paper, see also "HF")
SW -"Skunk Works" Ben Rich & Leo Janos
TB -Tony Bevacqua
TL -Tony Landis
UN -"The Untouchables" Brian Shul & Walter Watson
WC- William Campbell
9RW -9th Reconnaissance Wing History
You can also link to the:
A-12, YF-12A, & SR-71 Timeline 1950's
A-12, YF-12A, & SR-71 Timeline 1960's
A-12, YF-12A, & SR-71 Timeline 1970's
A-12, YF-12A, & SR-71 Timeline 1980's
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