Last updated on: 19 November 2006

A-12, YF-12, and SR-71 Specifications

A-12 Specifications


D-21 production: 38 drones
D-21A: M-21 launched, 4 launches
D-21B: B-52H launched, 17 Launches, with 4 operational missions


YF-12A production: 3 aircraft
Out of the 3 YF-12As built only one is in existance today. Though the rear half of #934 was mated with the front half of the SR static test model to build the SR-71C trainer.

Summary of YF-12A Missile Firings
Date YF-12 Alt. YF-12 Mach Target Alt. Results
Mar 1965 65,000ft 2.19 40,000ft Target destroyed
May 1965 64,800ft 2.18 20,000ft Missile Gyro failure
Sep 1965 75,200ft 3.22 20,000ft. Target destroyed
Mar 1966 74,000ft 3.16 1,700ft Target destroyed
Apr 1966 75,200ft 3.20 1,100ft Target destroyed
May 1966 76,000ft 3.20 20,000ft Target destroyed
Sep 1966 74,400ft 3.20 500ft Target destroyed


SR-71 production:

AF Serial Numbers assigned for the SR-71: 61-17950 through 61-17985

Program Info:(as of Jan 1990)


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Questions, comments, suggestions, or compliants, please email John