Last updated: 18 March 2007
Posted on: 11 Jan 1997

U-2 Sensors

This image shows the various sensors that the U-2R and S, are capable of carrying during in various missions.
E-Bay Payload
LN-33 PIII INS: is a INS/GPS navigator
NAS-21A ANS: is the retired astrointernial navigator
EWS: Electronic Wafare System
Nose Payload
E/0: Electro-Optical
IR: Infared
Both these systems are are part of the Senior Year Electro-Optical Reconnaissance System(SYERS)
ASARS-2: Advanced Synthectic Apature Radar by Hughes
Q-Bay Payload
DDL: Dual Data Link
UHF CTT Radio Relay: Is the Commanders Tactical Terminal
DCRSI: Is the recorder for the ASARS-2
Superpod Payload
Senior Spear & Senior Ruby: are Signal Intelligence systems
Dorsal Pod
Span and Spur: Are two satellite data links
Sources: Aviation Week & Space Tech., NASA, and various other sources

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