Last updated on: 28 June 2003
U-2 timeline of Events, 2000's
Information for this timeline was compiled from the following sources:
AC -Anonymous Contributor
AFM -Air Forces Monthly
AG3 -"Aerograph 3, Lockheed U-2" by Jay Miller
AG28 -"Aerofax Minigraph 28" by Jay Miller and Chris Pocock
AP -Associated Press
AWST -Aviation Week & Space Technology
BB -Buddy Brown
CC -Coy F. Cross II, 9 RW Historian
CP -Chris Pocock
CW -Lt. Col. Chuck Wilson
DL -"Dragon Lady, The History of The U-2 Spyplane" by Chris Pocock
DLMTC -"The Dragon Lady Meets the Challenge: The U-2 in Desert Strom"
by Dr. Coy Cross
EB -Ed Baldwin
EL- Eisenhower Library via Sean O'Conner
JHJr -Joe Hyde, Jr.
LM- Lockheed Martin
LMSW -Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Star
LS -Lockheed Star
LT -London Telegraph
PH -Pat Halloran
SB-Stormy Boudreaux
SM -Stuart McMurtie
SW -Steve Walker
TB -Tony Bevacqua
TR -Tom Roach
UEFTP -"U-2S Engine Flight Test Program" by Thomas S. Pugh
U2SAI -"U-2 Spyplane in Action" by Larry Davis
9 Reconnaissance Wing History (9RW)
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