Last up dated on: 5 August 1996
U-2 Timeline of Events, 1970's

- 1 Jul 1970
OL-20 moved to U-Tapao, Thailand from Bein Hoa, Vietnam, becomes OL-RU
- 9 Aug 1970
U-2R overflights of Israel-Egyption Cease-Fire started from RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus
- 10 Nov 1970
U-2R overflights of Israeli-EgyptionCease-Fire ceased
- 23 Nov 1970
U-2R #10335 crashed near Taiwan; Taiwan AF Pilot: Maj. "Denny" Huang was killed
- Dec 1970
RAF FltLt. Harry Drew flies U-2R from RAF Upper Heyford to Edwards AFB, CA in 14 hours, 20 minutes setting an endurance record for U-2
- 1 Apr 1971
All U-2Cs now in storage at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ
- 2 Apr 1971
NASA gets approval for the use of U-2 for research
- 3-4 Jun 1971
NASA receives their first & second U-2s #6681(N708NA) & #6682(N709NA), they were 2 of the 3 U-2s used for CIA carrier trails
- 18 Nov 1971
U-2 #6952 crashes near Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ; USAF Pilot: John C. Cunney was killed
- 2 Aug 1972
U-2CT trainer configuration approved (EB)
- 9 Aug 1972
U-2CT trainer design started, #6692 was rebuilt as trainer after a fire as a rsult of ground loop (EB)
- Nov 1972
U-2CT delivered to Air Force (EB)
- Nov 1972
OL-RU(U-Tapao, Thailand) redesignated 99 SRS
- Jan 1973
100 SRW flew 500 U-2 hours in one month, first time this many hours flown in one month
- Mar 1973
100 SRW receives "Gen Paul T. Cullen Memorial Award"
- 2 May 1974
U-2C #6714 crashed near Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ; USAF Pilot: Dan W. Riggs survived
- Oct 1974
CIA/Taiwanese Air Force U-2 flights ended
- 16 Jan 1975
Clarence "Kelly" Johnson retires as Director of "Skunk Works"
- 17 Jan 1975
Ben Rich takes over as Director of "Skunk Works"
- Mar 1975
100 SRW ordered to deploy to Osan AB, Korea
- Apr 1975
U-2R deployed to Diego Garcia(Indian Ocean) to overfly Somalia to monitor Soviet build-up there
- 16 May 1975
U-2R #10337 crashed at Utapao, Thailand; USAF Pilot: James L. Barrilleaux survived
- 29 May 1975
U-2C #6700 crashes near Winterberg, W. Germany; USAF Pilot: Robert Rendlemen survived
- 16 Aug 1975
U-2R #10334 crashed in Gulf of Thailand; USAF Pilot: Jon T. Little survived
- Mar/Apr 1976
U-2 operations transferred to 9th SRW(Beale AFB, CA); 100th SRW designation transferred to KC-135Q Wing
- 1 Jul 1976
US Air force consolidates SR-71 and U-2 operations at Beale AFB, CA under 9th SRW
- 12 July 1976
The first U-2 aircraft arrives at Beale AFB, CA, a U-2CT (trainer) was flown from Davis-Monthon AFB, AZ by 14th Air Division Commander Brig. Gen. Albert Melton, and Capt. Michael Lemmons (SS)
- 1 Oct 1976
All aircraft, equipment , material and people had arrived at Beale AFB, CA from Davis-Monthon AFB, AZ completing the consolidation process of the high altitude aerial recconnaissance assets of the Air Force under one wing and at one base. (SS)
- Feb 1977
Jim Cherbonneaux arrives at NASA to head up it's High altitude Missions Branch
- Jul 1977
Lockheed wins 4 year development contract for Precision Emitter Location Strike System(PLSS)
- 7 Dec 1977
U-2R #10330 crashed at Det 3, Akroitiri, Cyprus; USAF Pilot: Robert A. Henderson was killed
- Aug 1979
99 SRS detached to RAF Mildenhall
- 16 Nov 1979
USAF orders Lockheed to put U-2 back into production(First aircraft to have this done)

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