Last updasted: 19 November 2006
Current SR-71 News
- 971 Awaits Transport 971 has
had it's wings and nacelles removed and is being stored at Edwards till Evergreen
Air Museum can arrange transportation to move it to Evergreen's Museum. -Doug
Nelson (28 Nov 2002)
- "Line-Item Veto" Ruled Unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court ruled the "Line-Item Veto unconstitutional,
the week of 23 June 1998. This should reverse the "Line-Item Veto"
that President Clinton did on funding for the SR-71. So funding should be
reinstated to restart (yet again!) the Air Force's SR-71 program. -Aviation
Week & Space Tech. (29 June 1998)
- LASRE Completes First Cold-Flow Flight.
On 4 March NASA SR-71 #844 flew the first cold-flow flight. Gaseous helium
and liquid nitrogen were cycled through the linear aerospike engine checking
the plumbing system for leaks and to check engine operating characteristics.
The SR flew for 1 hour and 57 minutes, reaching a maxium speed of Mach 1.58
before landing at Edwards AFB, CA. Dryden Research Pilot Ed Schneider piloted
the aircraft, while Bob Meyer ran the experiments. -Lockheed Skunk Works Star
(27 March 1998)
- First LASRE flight takes place NASA
SR-71 #844, flew on 31 Oct 1997 with the Linear Aerospike engine being carried
piggyback. This first flight was to check the envelope clearances and a systems
test, the Boeing Rocketdyne Div. engine was not fired, the SR-71 reached Mach
1.19 at an altitude of 27,000 -33, 000 ft. Transonic drag encountered with
the linear aerospike engine mounted was greater then expected, and further
tests for a more fuel efficient way to break through this barrier are needed.
The second flight, expected before the end of November, will push the envelope
out to Mach 1.5, and will have a "cold flow" operation of the engine
with inert gases. The engine is to have it's first inflight firing on the
third flight. -NASA, AWST (posted: 14 Nov 1997)
- Clinton Kills SR Funding with Line Item Veto
Info is still very scarce, but ABC News announced Tuesday, 15 Oct 1998, that
President Clinton killed funding for the Air Force SR-71 program. Which in
effect kills the Air Force's SR-71 program, Congress can override the veto,
but can they do it in time and is there enough interest in Congress for overriding
the veto. -Richard Graham, ABC News, Art Hanley 16 Oct. 1997
- Air Force SR-71 Funding Approved For FY98
Funding for the operations of the 2 Air Force SR-71s has been approved for
Fiscal Year 98. -Richard Graham (3 Oct 1997)
- A New Crew for the SR-71 A new crew
for the Air Force's SR-71 has been announced, selected for pilot is Capt
Greg Barker, he has previously flown T-38s and B-52s and selected for
rso is Capt Dale Zimmerman, he has previously flown F-111s (27 missions
in Desert Storm), and F-15s. They report in October, Good Luck, Gentlemen!
-Richard Graham (10 Sept. 1997)
- LASRE Mated to NASA SR-71 NASA mated
the LASRE engine with NASA SR-71 #844 on Tuesday, 26 Aug 1997. The
first flight will be "Dry"(no firing of the LASRE engine) to check
instrumentation and aerodynamics. These flights are expected to start in September.
-Peter Merlin, Ron Girouard
- SR crew Solos Maj. Bert Garrison(pilot)
and Capt. Domingo Ochotorena(rso) soloed on 19 Aug. 1997, at Det II,
Edwards AFB, CA. They flew a three hour flight at over 75,000 ft, and Mach
3. They will be mission ready by December 1997. Also it was recently announced
that Capt. Ochtorena was promoted to Major, Congratulations on both counts!
-Space Sentinal (22 Aug 1997)
- 12th Annual Blackbird Association Reunion wrap
up The twelfth biennial Blackbird Association reunion was held
in Reno, Nevada on June 5-8th. Consisting of former and current SR-71 and
U-2 aircrews, maintenance and contractor personnel, the Blackbird Association
fosters the unique reconnaissance capabilities of the two aircraft. The guest
speaker for the evening banquet was Mr. Jack Gordon , President of
the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works. Mr. Gordon presented The Kelly Johnson Award
to Air Force Major Paul Nelson for his work in the Pentagon to keep
the U-2 program viable for the future. Air Force Captain Mike "Z-Man"
Zimmerman, was presented the Pratt & Whitney Award for his dedication
and work on the re-activation of the SR-71s at Edwards AFB, Ca. The General
Electric Award was given to Mr. Richard L. Fortin for his accomplishments
in re-engining of the U-2S aircraft. Chief Master Sergeant (ret) Don Campbell
received the "J.T." Vida Award for his lifetime loyalty and dedication
to the SR-71 program. The Hughes Best Detachment Award went to the 9th
Reconnaissance Wing's Operating Location France (OL-FR), Istres, France,
for their sustained U -2 support of Bosnia. -Richard Graham
- LASRE Lives.......The LASRE engine has
been test fired at the Phillips Lab at Edwards AFB, CA on 30 April 1997 for
the second time and should be test flown on NASA 844 sometime in late August
1997. -Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Star (30 May 1997)
- Newest SR-71 Crew Starts Training The
small and select cadre of SR-71 crews have admitted two more members to it's
ranks, Bert G. Garrison, Jr. (pilot) and Domingo R. Ochotorena (RSO), both
Captains. They are undergoing training as you read this and should be "mission
qualified" to fly the Air Force's SR-71 later this year. Also I've heard
that there is new search to chose a second new crew. The current SR unit is
the highest ranked flying unit in the Air Force, with all crews being Lt.
- SR-71 Radar Imagery Direct to End User
SR-71 radar imagery can now be disseminated through the US Army's Enhanced
Tactical Radar Correlator (ETRAC). This Army developed mobile exploitation
and dissemination capibility , can be quickly deployed and disseminate data
from a variety of airbourne platforms. Jay Murphy Lockheed's SR-71 Program
Manager says, the SR-71 will fly 9 missions in support of Green Flag using
the ETRAC, and 2 in support of Advanced Warfighter Experiment (AWE), "which
assesses the impact of 'digitization' and other information technologies on
tactical operations". Murphy also says "ASARS 1 radar information
will be downlinked via a common datalink to ETRAC, where the information will
be processed and exploited by the Army, Images will then be provided digitally
to Commanders at Nellis AFB for Green Flag and officals at Ft. Irwin for the
AWE to assess troop movements and locations". These exercises will prove
that the SRs info can be provided to other services other than the USAF, and
that it can fit into the '90 Intelligence Architecture -Lockheed Martin Skunk
Works Star (28 Feb, 1997)
- SR-71 is Again Operational The Air Force's
SR-71s are operational as of 1 January 1997. All crews are mission ready and
awaiting word for deployment. The SR will be participating in Green Flag and
several other military war games, this year. -Aviation Week, USAF News Service
(Sorry, this is a little late-11 Feb 1997)
- A-12 #60-6937 Has Been Restored......And
temporarily stored at the Skunk Works while awaiting being assigned to another
Air Museum by the USAF Museum. Nine volunteers took 2500 hours to restore
the A-12, they are: Jim Daniels, John Stanley, Al Pinkham, Pete Peterson,
Everett Mayes, Carl Moore, and Louis Provencio. LMSW Star (27 Sept. 1996)
- USAF SR-71 Funded for FY97 House and
Senate Appropriation committees have agreed to fund the Air Force's 2 operational
SR-71s for Fiscal Year 1997. Training sorties are being flown now. After training
is completed (very soon!), the SRs will be able to fly operational missions
again. -Rich Graham, Ron Girouard, and various sources; (21 Sept. 1996)
- The SR-71 Equipped With The Real Time Datlink
can map Bosnia in 20 minutes and then download (at 258 megabits of information
per second) the info in 10 minutes while still in the air . LMSW (21 June
- SR-71 Demonstrates Reconnaissance Capabilities
At Green Flag The SR-71 based at Det 2 Edwards AFB, CA flew 2 recon
missions for the Green Flag intelligence and electric warfare exercise. Neither
of the two flights demonstrated the data link for real-time data transmission.
The first flight (March 22) used panoramic optical bar camera and the telescopic
technical objective cameras. While the second flight (April 9) used the advanced
synthetic aperture radar (ASARS), but problems with the new ASARS/data link
interface prohibited the real time transfer of the images. Lockheed officals
think they solved the problem, and are trying to make the test flight fit
within the new flight policies. - Aviation Week & Space Technologies (29
April 1996)
- SR-71 Grounded, On April 15,
1996, Deputy Secretary of Defense John White directed the Air Force
to ground the Air Force's SR-71s due to conflicting language in section 304
of the National Security Act of 1947, which states that the DoD may not obligate
or expend funds for any intelligence program, even though it has been appropriated,
unless there is an independent authorization for that intelligence related
activity. Also complicating this is the "Intelligence Authorization Act"
which gives the force of law to the conference report accompanying the act.
Also Section 102 of the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY-96 provides
funding for the modification of the SR-71, but no funding for operating the
SR-71. All operations have been suspended, there will be no training, or operational
flights, (test flights related to the modification to the SR can still be
carried out, though) till the language conflict has been resolved! -Inside
the Air Force; and Richard Graham; and Aviation Week & Space Technology.

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