Last updated on: 1 December 1997
U-2 timeline of Events, 1990's

- 23 Apr 1990
TR-1A crashes at RAF Alconbury, UK; USAF Pilot: Kyle Lampella survived
- 11 Aug 1990
Advance U-2 element arrives in Jeddah, Saudia Arabia to set-up Desert Shield deployment (DLMTC)
- 13 Aug 1990
Senior Blade van arrives at Riyahd, Saudai Arabia (DLMTC)
- 17 Aug 1990
First U-2s arrive at Taif, Saudia Arabia for use in Desert Shield (DLMTC)
- 19 Aug 1990
First 2 "Olympic Flare" sorties launched (Desert Shield) (DLMTC)
- 19 Aug 1990
Capt. Lamb flys first succesful U-2 sortie in U-2R #1070 a Senior Span mission in Desert Shield (DLMTC)
- 21 Aug 1990
Lt. Col. Lloyd flies first succesful SYERS (Senior Year Electro Optical Recon System) mission in U-2R #1076 in Desert Shield (DLMTC)
- 23 Aug 1990
First TR-1s arrive in Taif, Saudai Arabia (DLMTC)
- 29 Aug 1990
Capt. Dan J. Sanders flies first Desert Shield ASARS sortie in TR-1 (DLMTC)
- 21 Sep 1990
OL-CH redesignated 1704 (P) RS(DLMTC)
- 24 Sep 1990
2 Iraq Migs fly parallel course to U-2 flown by Lt. Col. Lloyd, first incident of this kind in Desert Shield (DLMTC)
- 19 Dec 1990
MIPE (Mobile Intelligence Processing Element) moved to Riyadh, Saudia Arabia (DLMTC)
- 22 Dec 1990
Clarence "Kelly" Johnson dies at the age of 80
- 23 Dec 1990
Ben Rich retires as Director of "Skunk Works"
- 31 Dec 1990
First U-2 Desert Shield IRIS-III mission (DLMTC)
- 17 Jan 1991
Maj. B. L. Bachus flies first "border-crossing" U-2 mission in U-2 #1076 equipped with SYERS (DLMTC)
- Feb 1991
Second Senior Blade van (dubbed "Son of Blade") deployed to King Khalid Military City (DLMTC)
- 28 Feb 1991
1704 (P) RS flies 564 mission totaling 4,561.6 hours from 19 Aug 1990 through 28 Feb 1991 (Desert Shield/Storm)
- Oct 1991
TR-1 redesignated U-2R (DLMTC)
- 15 Jan 1992
U-2R #10332 crashed off coast of Korea, in Sea of Japan; USAF Pilot: Marty McGregor killed
- 13 Dec 1993
U-2R #68-10339 crashes at Beale AFB, CA; USAF Pilot: Captain Richard Schneider killed (CP)
- Mar 1994
Det 4 at Howard AFB, Panama closed
- Aug 1994
U-2R #80-1098 crashes at Osan AB, Korea while trying to land in fog, USAF Pilot: Cholene Espinoza survived (CP)
- 11 Aug 1994
U-2R #0338(the 10th U-2R built) was the first U-2 to reach the 20,000 flying hour mark (LS)
- 12 Aug 1994
First production U-2S #80-1071 flown, Lockheed Test Pilot: Rob Rowe (UEFTP)
- 28 Oct 1994
First U-2S and U-2STs delivered to 9 RW, Beale AFB, CA (re-engined U-2 with F118-GE-101 engine)
- Jan 1995
Secretary of the Air Force Sheila Widnall received an orientation ride in a U-2ST with Pilot: Captain Troy deVine (LS)
- 5 Jan 1995
Ben Rich dies at the age of 69 (AWST)
- 15 Mar 1995
Final U-2 (U-2R #1066) sortie from RAF Alconbury, All operations to be moved to RAF Fairford. U-2 #1080 was the last U-2 to leave RAF Alconbury (AFM)
- 1 Jun 1995
Chris Pocock (Author of Dragon Lady) receives a orientation flight in a U-2RT , with Pilot: Major Brandon King (LS)
- 29 Aug 1995
U-2R #10338 crashes at RAF Fairford after experiencing hung pogo on take-off, USAF Pilot: Captain David Hawkins stays with the U-2 trying drop pogo safely, ejects after the left wingtip drags causing the aircraft to veer left and explode, he died later at a local hospital of injuries sustained during ejection (LT & SM)
- 1-3 Sept 1995
5 RS, Osan AB, South Korea, undergoes the first overseas operational recce unit inspection by Air Combat Command(ACC) IG Team. The date is Labor Day weekend! (CW)
- 13 Oct 1995
U-2S arrives at 5 RS, Osan AB, South Korea, first overseas unit to receive "S" model (CW)
- 20 Oct 1995
First U-2S operational mission, flown by Lt. Col. Chuck Wilson, commander of 5 RS, Osan AB, South Korea (CW)
- Jan 1996
U-2s redeployed to Istreas AB, France (near Marseille) from RAF Fairford. This allows longer loiter time over Bosnia in support of NATO forces (AWST & SW)
- Feb 1996
5 RS, Osan AB, South Korea flys the 2000th (9 hour mission) Recconnaissance mission using Advanced Synthetic Aperature Radar system (ASARS) (CW)
- Feb 1996
The U-2 passes the 20 year mark operating at Osan AB, South Korea, This event was celebrated on 27 April 1996 (CW)
- May 1996
NASA ER-2 #706 is to be rengined to "S" configuration, the project should take 6 months (NO)
- 7 Aug 1996
U-2R #80-1088 flown by Capt. Randy Roby crashed into the parking lot of the Oroville(CA) Mercury Register after declaring an inflight emergency fifteen minutes after taking off from Beale AFB. Capt Roby ejected and the aircaft crashed, killing one civilian, injuring two on the ground. Capt. Roby was found, still in his ejection seat dead, 2 blocks away (AP, AWST)
- 8 Nov 1996
NASA ER-2 #706 was returned to Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA after being converted to "S" spec. at the Skunk Works, Palmdale, Ca (LS)

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